The following document contains the listing of user tags found in the code. Below is the summary of the occurrences per tag.
Tag | Total number of occurrences |
@deprecated | 3 |
FIXME | 10 |
TODO | 216 |
Each tag is detailed below:
Number of occurrences found in the code: 3
net.smartlab.web.BusinessObjectFactory | Line |
the keyFieldName parameter is no more needed | 382 |
net.smartlab.web.DataAccessObject | Line |
this was a misleading name. | 572 |
net.smartlab.web.config.ConfigurationStrategy | Line |
renamed to FactoryConfigurationStrategy | 35 |
Number of occurrences found in the code: 10
net.smartlab.web.Action | Line |
--No comment-- | 171 |
--No comment-- | 197 |
add converters | 216 |
net.smartlab.web.ActionTest | Line |
super.setRequestPathInfo("/action"); super.addRequestParameter("exec", "error"); super.actionPerform(); super.verifyForward("error"); super.verifyNoActionErrors(); | 131 |
net.smartlab.web.BusinessObjectFactoryTest | Line |
clean up is needed because dbunit is unable to perform delete against hsqldb | 211 |
net.smartlab.web.Enumeration | Line |
may be an HibernateException is better | 221 |
may be an HibernateException is better | 229 |
may be an HibernateException is better | 245 |
net.smartlab.web.history.Interceptor | Line |
--No comment-- | 83 |
--No comment-- | 87 |
Number of occurrences found in the code: 216
net.smartlab.web.AbstractArchiveAction | Line |
documentation | 137 |
documentation | 147 |
documentation | 187 |
documentation | 216 |
net.smartlab.web.Action | Line |
documentation | 242 |
documentation | 252 |
documentation | 262 |
documentation | 278 |
documentation | 295 |
documentation | 304 |
documentation | 314 |
net.smartlab.web.BusinessObject | Line |
documentation | 33 |
net.smartlab.web.BusinessObjectFactory | Line |
documentation | 472 |
the filters are in OR | 551 |
documentation | 666 |
documentation | 687 |
documentation | 710 |
documentation | 733 |
documentation | 853 |
net.smartlab.web.BusinessObjectFactoryPaginatorTest | Line |
documentation | 32 |
net.smartlab.web.BusinessObjectFactoryTest | Line |
check the collection has been initialized | 149 |
check the collection has NOT been initialized | 157 |
check the collection has been initialized | 161 |
check the collection has been initialized | 292 |
check the collection has been initialized | 297 |
check the collection has been initialized | 303 |
check the collection has been initialized | 309 |
check the collection has been initialized | 315 |
check the collection has been initialized | 321 |
check the collection has been initialized | 473 |
check the collection has been initialized | 478 |
check the collection has been initialized | 484 |
net.smartlab.web.DataAccessObject | Line |
documentation | 427 |
documentation | 442 |
documentation | 453 |
net.smartlab.web.DataTransferObject | Line |
documentation | 29 |
--No comment-- | 34 |
net.smartlab.web.EnterpriseDomainBuilder | Line |
documentation | 97 |
documentation | 109 |
documentation Comment for <code>ejb</code> | 169 |
documentation | 175 |
net.smartlab.web.ManageableDomain | Line |
documentation | 28 |
--No comment-- | 33 |
net.smartlab.web.StringEnumeration | Line |
documentation | 54 |
Auto-generated method stub | 203 |
Auto-generated method stub | 212 |
net.smartlab.web.Validator | Line |
documentation | 36 |
documentation | 44 |
documentation | 71 |
documentation | 85 |
net.smartlab.web.bean.BigDecimalConverter | Line |
documentation | 30 |
documentation | 37 |
documentation | 44 |
net.smartlab.web.bean.BigIntegerConverter | Line |
documentation | 30 |
documentation | 37 |
documentation | 44 |
net.smartlab.web.bean.BooleanConverter | Line |
documentation | 28 |
documentation | 38 |
documentation | 72 |
documentation | 81 |
net.smartlab.web.bean.ByteConverter | Line |
documentation | 29 |
documentation | 36 |
documentation | 43 |
net.smartlab.web.bean.CharConverter | Line |
documentation | 29 |
documentation | 36 |
Auto-generated method stub | 47 |
net.smartlab.web.bean.CollectionConverter | Line |
documentation | 29 |
documentation | 36 |
Auto-generated constructor stub | 40 |
documentation | 44 |
Auto-generated method stub | 52 |
documentation | 57 |
Auto-generated method stub | 65 |
net.smartlab.web.bean.Converter | Line |
Documentation | 29 |
documentation | 39 |
net.smartlab.web.bean.ConverterManager | Line |
documentation | 35 |
documentation | 50 |
documentation | 96 |
net.smartlab.web.bean.CurrencyConverter | Line |
documentation | 29 |
documentation | 36 |
implementation delayed | 47 |
net.smartlab.web.bean.DateConverter | Line |
documentation | 31 |
documentation | 38 |
documentation | 43 |
documentation | 50 |
net.smartlab.web.bean.DateTimeConverter | Line |
documentation | 30 |
documentation | 42 |
documentation | 51 |
net.smartlab.web.bean.DoubleConverter | Line |
documentation | 29 |
documentation | 36 |
documentation | 43 |
net.smartlab.web.bean.EnumerationConverter | Line |
documentation | 31 |
net.smartlab.web.bean.FloatConverter | Line |
documentation | 29 |
documentation | 36 |
documentation | 43 |
net.smartlab.web.bean.IntConverter | Line |
documentation | 29 |
documentation | 36 |
documentation | 43 |
net.smartlab.web.bean.LongConverter | Line |
documentation | 29 |
documentation | 36 |
documentation | 43 |
net.smartlab.web.bean.NumberConverter | Line |
documentation | 27 |
documentation | 36 |
documentation | 43 |
documentation | 52 |
documentation | 61 |
net.smartlab.web.bean.ShortConverter | Line |
documentation | 29 |
documentation | 36 |
documentation | 43 |
net.smartlab.web.bean.StringConverter | Line |
documentation | 29 |
net.smartlab.web.bean.StringEnumerationConverter | Line |
documentation | 31 |
net.smartlab.web.bean.TimeConverter | Line |
documentation | 30 |
documentation | 37 |
documentation | 43 |
documentation | 52 |
net.smartlab.web.bean.URLConverter | Line |
documentation | 31 |
net.smartlab.web.bean.Valorizer | Line |
class documentation | 39 |
documentation | 54 |
method documentation | 183 |
net.smartlab.web.config.ConfigurationStrategy | Line |
documentation | 33 |
documentation | 41 |
net.smartlab.web.config.FactoryConfigurationStrategy | Line |
documentation | 33 |
documentation | 40 |
net.smartlab.web.config.JNDIConfigurationStrategy | Line |
check if remote references retrieves different objects as this behaviour can lead to caching problems | 67 |
net.smartlab.web.config.TomcatConfigurationStrategy | Line |
documentation | 46 |
net.smartlab.web.history.DifferenciallyHistorizedBusinessObject | Line |
documentation | 27 |
net.smartlab.web.history.HistoricizableBusinessObject | Line |
documentation | 27 |
documentation | 34 |
net.smartlab.web.history.HistorizedBusinessObject | Line |
documentation | 30 |
documentation | 54 |
documentation | 62 |
documentation | 95 |
documentation | 105 |
documentation | 116 |
net.smartlab.web.history.HistorizedBusinessObjectFactory | Line |
documentation | 41 |
documentation | 48 |
net.smartlab.web.history.Interceptor | Line |
documentation | 42 |
implement | 55 |
Auto-generated method stub | 58 |
implement | 64 |
save the historized object | 92 |
implement | 108 |
Auto-generated method stub | 111 |
implement | 117 |
Auto-generated method stub | 120 |
implement | 126 |
Auto-generated method stub | 129 |
implement | 135 |
Auto-generated method stub | 138 |
implement | 144 |
Auto-generated method stub | 147 |
implement | 153 |
Auto-generated method stub | 156 |
implement | 162 |
Auto-generated method stub | 165 |
implement | 171 |
Auto-generated method stub | 174 |
implement | 180 |
Auto-generated method stub | 183 |
implement | 189 |
Auto-generated method stub | 192 |
implement | 198 |
Auto-generated method stub | 201 |
implement | 207 |
Auto-generated method stub | 210 |
implement | 216 |
Auto-generated method stub | 219 |
implement | 225 |
Auto-generated method stub | 228 |
implement | 234 |
Auto-generated method stub | 237 |
implement | 243 |
Auto-generated method stub | 246 | | Line |
documentation | 32 |
documentation | 39 |
documentation | 44 |
documentation | 84 | | Line |
documentation | 30 |
documentation | 39 |
documentation | 48 |
documentation | 58 | | Line |
documentation | 31 | | Line |
documentation | 30 | | Line |
documentation | 30 | | Line |
documentation | 30 |
documentation | 38 | | Line |
documentation | 32 | | Line |
documentation | 34 |
documentation Comment for <code>PARAMETER</code> | 45 |
documentation Comment for <code>paginator</code> | 50 | | Line |
documentation | 30 | | Line |
documentation | 33 |
documentation | 94 |
documentation | 101 |
documentation | 114 |
documentation | 123 |
documentation | 132 |
documentation | 141 |
documentation | 157 |
documentation | 185 |
documentation | 198 |
documentation | 211 |
documentation | 226 |
documentation | 235 |
documentation | 244 |
documentation | 259 |
documentation | 272 |
documentation | 289 |
documentation | 325 | | Line |
documentation | 38 |
documentation Comment for <code>property</code> | 46 |
documentation Comment for <code>value</code> | 51 | | Line |
documentation | 38 |
org.hibernate.impl.QueryImpl | Line |
documentation | 102 |
org.hibernate.impl.SQLQueryImpl | Line |
absolutely no usages of this constructor form; can it go away? | 95 |
this constructor form is *only* used from constructor directly below us; can it go away? | 111 |