Whenever you need to evaluate a software architecture, as the one proposed by the SmartWeb framework, you should consider the pros and cons, trying to mitigate flaws and risks.
Enterprise grade architectures usually have to address more requirements as its common to require the developed system is able to be distributed among multiple hosts, at least.
Hereby are presented the qualities considered during the SmartWeb framework design with an explanation of the support given and suggestions on how to improve on that side.
These are the characteristics perceived by the end user experience so usually argumented in support requests.
How quickly the system fullfills a user request.
Frequency of correctness in operation.
Amount of time the system is able to process requests.
Characteristics reflected during the system execution, not in the system as a resource or as a tool.
Amount of work done by the system, measured in operations per unit of time.
Decrease in effort of performing minor administrative tasks.
Prevention of undesired use, such as the misuse or abuse of the system.
Effort required to update or repair the system.
Effort required to identify and isolate a fault or error in the system.
Reflected in physical implementation, cost estimation, planning and time management
Probability or confidence that a system can be built.
Confidence measure af predictable plan and cost estimates.
Reflected in cost of long term ownership of the system.
Ratio of the load growth required to the cost required to implement capacity.
Effort saved during revision and correction of design flaws.
Effort saved when you add new functionality.
Effort saved when you add new functionality.
Effort saved when you migrate to a different infrastructure.
Effort gained by leveraging existing components.